
FLIDAS is available in a free version and four general-purpose commercial versions that can be further extended by plug-ins for specific needs. The general-purpose versions have a very affordable price because Data Bus Tools focuses on earning on customizations for customer specific needs. The prices are given on the feature details table below.

Since many parts of the IRIG 106 standard are open to interpretation and may be handled differently by recorder manufacturers, you are invited to try your IRIG 106 chapter 10 files with the free version first.

The colored table below shows six colored areas of feature groups. Vertically you see the level of the data that the features are working on (CH10 structures, protocol / raw data, decoded Parameters). Horizontally you see the source of the CH10 data (files or UDP data streams).

The features given in the tables are high-level sample features to illustrate what is meant by this feature group. The detailed features are found in another table further down the page.

  CH10 file-based features CH10 UDP stream-based features
CH10 debugging level
  • analyze CH10 structures and attributes
  • CH10 file verification ("CH10 validator")
  • View TMATS data
  • Find CH10 errors
  • Read corrupted files
  • Guided hex view of packets
  • Limited manipulation of raw packets
  • XML CH10 mapping to analyze and manipulate the CH10 level of files and generate low level test data
  • Bit rate calculation
  • Locate recording gaps
  • Summarize incoming packets
  • Summarize CH10 stream errors
  • CH10 publishing
  • CH10 recording
  • CH10 live processing
Protocol / Raw data level
  • Raw / protocol data exports
  • Communication summaries
  • Inspection of raw / protocol data
  • Detection of protocol errors
  • Detect errors in IRIG 106 Chapter 7 streams
  • Locate transmission pauses
  • Live display of raw data and protocol summaries
  • Live display of video
  • Live replay of CH10 or TmNS / (Telemetry Network Standard, IRIG 106 Chapter 24) messages from IRIG 106 chapter 7 PCM
  • Stream out live raw data as simple UDP stream for external processing
Parameter level
  • Decode raw data to engineering units
  • Display / print engineering values in tables or strip charts
  • Export engineering values
  • Export / replay of CVSD audio
  • Map display and replay of NMEA 0183 position data
  • Replay of data to user defined instrument panels
  • Live display of engineering values
  • Live replay of CVSD audio

The table above also divides the features in four quadrants with the thick borders. For each part you need to decide if you need any of the features and this leads to the general-purpose version you will need.

The small colored tables below show the free and general-purpose versions and which feature groups are included with the color coding from the table above.

The decisions you need to take are:

Free Version
a little  
a little  

Basic Version

Data Streaming Version

Parameter Version

Parameter Streaming Version

Feature Details

The following table shows the detailed features of the versions. If a feature does not explicitly refer to data streaming or live it is a file-based feature.

Feature Free Basic Data Streaming Parameter Parameter Streaming
Price in € 0 1500 2000 2900 3600
Price in US$ (we charge €; this price is from the last release date just for information) 0 1627 2170 3146 3906
Read IRIG 106 chapter 10 files up to IRIG 106-22 X X X X X
Read segmented .ch10 files from Safran Data System recorders X X X X X
Display the list of packets X X X X X
Support for recording events X X X X X
Display the packet entries within packets of supported CH10 data types X (data displayed in simple lines of text) X (same data displayed but split to individual and configurable columns. For some CH10 data types more data available)
Display the available channels and subchannels with some TMATS attributes X X X X X
Display the TMATS setup X X X X X
Debugging of corrupted files (missing packets, checksum errors etc.) X X X X X
Locating packet and packet entry errors - (Errors are shown but no aid to navigate to them) X X X X
CH10 file verification ("CH10 validation") with detailed error inspection on GUI - X X X X
Display of all common packet properties and structured hex display of whole packet data - X X X X
Modification of packet data within hex display - X X X X
Replay audio from analog subchannel X X X X X
Replay audio from CVSD - - - X X
Video preview of MPEG transport stream - X X X X
Display graph of analog subchannels within sequence of packets - X X X X
Display PCM minor frames within sequence of Packets - X X X X
Display UART subchannel as text - X X X X
Display TSPI format 0 channel, UART subchannel or UDP packets as NMEA 0183 - X X X X
Display and replay of some NMEA 0183 position parameters (from TSPI format 0 channel, UART subchannel or UDP packets) on build-in or user defined map and instruments. - - - X X
More detailed world map for NMEA 0183 map display - - - free on request
Tabular display of sampled parameters - - - X X
Strip chart of sampled parameters for display and printing - - - X X
User defined instrument panels with gauges for live display of decoded parameters from live streams or replayed CH10 files - - - X X
Unicode UTF-8 support for Japanese, Chinese, Cyrillic etc. letters X X X X X
Override settings of CH10 files with external TMATS file X X X X X
CH10 bitrate calculation for file and channels X X X X X
PCM BERT check - X X X X
Locate recording gaps or transmission pauses - X X X X
XML CH10 mapping according to RCC document 123-16 Appendix P/Q (IRIG 106 Chapter 10 Programmers Handbook, moved to appendix Q/R in RCC 123-20): Convert between XML and CH10 for test data creation, bug correction etc. X X X X X
Additional XML generation options for XML CH10 mapping - X X X X
Support for CAN buses in DATaRec4 (Zodiac Data Systems format) - separate plug-in
Support for STANAG3910 buses in DATaRec4 (Zodiac Data Systems format) - separate plug-in
Distributed CH10 multiplexer sources support
Sources must provide a common TMATS with a single R-Group (either from CH10 file / stream or external TMATS file). Live data streams need to go to a single UDP port.
Time decoding from independent RTC on different multiplexer sources using MSID X X X X X
Secondary header time X X X X X
Configure time offsets between different sources X X X X X
Split CH10 files from distributed CH10 multiplexer sources into separate files by their multiplexer source IDs (MSIDs). X X X X X
Data streaming support
Recording of CH10 UDP data stream X X X X X
Publishing of CH10 file as CH10 UDP data stream X X X X X
Reception of CH10 UDP data stream for live processing X X X X X
Live display of statistics, bit rates and errors per channel X X X X X
Live display of some PCM decommutation statistics - - X - X
Live display of MPEG transport stream videos - - X - X
Live display and graphical plot of PCM raw data - - X - X
Live display and graphical plot of MIL-STD 1553B raw data and protocol information - - X - X
Live display and graphical plot of ARINC 429 raw data and protocol information - - X - X
Live display, graphical plot and FFT (magnitude only) of an analog subchannel - - X - X
Live display and graphical plot of discrete raw data - - X - X
Tabular live display of decoded parameters - - - - X
Strip chart live display of decoded parameters - - - - X
Live replay of CVSD audio - - - - X
Live replay of analog audio - - X - X
PCM BERT check - - X - X
Live statistics of IRIG 106 chapter 7 PCM - - X - X
Live replay of CH10 from IRIG 106 chapter 7 PCM - - X - X
Live replay of TmNS / (Telemetry Network Standard, IRIG 106 Chapter 24) messages from IRIG 106 chapter 7 PCM - - X - X
Stream out live raw data as simple UDP live stream for external processing (PCM throughput or UART) - - X - X
Exporters (concurrent export possible)
MPEG video to MPEG file X X X X X
TMATS to text file X X X X X
CH10 to filtered CH10 file (filtering time and channels. The result is no formally correct CH10 file (see manual)) X X X X X
Ethernet to PCAP - X X X X
MIL-STD 1553 to CSV - X X X X
ARINC 429 to CSV - X X X X
CAN bus to CSV - X X X X
Discretes to CSV - X X X X
Fibre channel to CSV - X X X X
Message data to CSV - X X X X
PCM minor frames to CSV - X X X X
PCM throughput mode stream to binary file - X X X X
Analog subchannel(s) to WAV, CSV or MAT (MATLAB) - X X X X
TSPI format 0 channel, UART subchannel or UDP packets as NMEA 0183 to CSV - X X X X
Payload to file (from UART or message data subchannel or UDP packet)
Examples are streamed video to MPEG or NMEA 0183 to text
- X X X X
IENA packets to CSV (from Ethernet or message data) - X X X X
INET-X packets to CSV (from Ethernet) - X X X X
IRIG 106 chapter 7 data from PCM channel to CH10, Ethernet PCAP or IP PCAP - X X X X
MIL-STD 1553 / ARINC 429 to Airbus Defence & Space real-time test system AIDASS 2000 (also MaTE, SYGAM) TRF format (can be used for replay or analysis in AIDASS) (AIDASS is a registered trademark of Cassidian Germany) - separate plug-in
Export all important GUI tables to CSV - X X X X
Sampled parameters to CSV or MAT (configurable period or asynchronously on change) - - - X X
PCM numeric parameters to WAV - - - X X
Raw sections of PCM streams (Byte Array) to binary file - - - X X
ARINC 429 message-based export to CSV using parameters (no sampling but export at time of occurrence. Export of protocol information and one included parameter) - - - X X
Export CH10 file with modified TMATS setup - X X X X
Communication summaries (message types, periods, error counts and locations etc.)
MIL-STD 1553 - X X X X
ARINC 429 - X X X X
CAN bus - X X X X
Ethernet (including payload analysis for IP4 and UDP) - X X X X
Message data - X X X X
Video MPEG transport stream - X X X X
Time source - X X X X
PCM minor frames - X X X X
Recording events - X X X X
IENA (from Ethernet or message data) - X X X X
iNET-X (from Ethernet) - X X X X
IRIG 106 Chapter 7 - X X X X
Parameter decoding management (engineering unit conversion) for files and streams
Definition of engineering unit (EU) conversions for parameters in an external ICD file (CSV text file. Can be used with Excel). - - - X X
Definition of engineering unit (EU) conversions for parameters in a separate ASCII TMATS file. PCM only. Not all TMATS features supported. - - - X X
Parameter decoding support for:
  • ARINC 429
  • CAN bus
  • MIL-STD 1553B (format 1)
  • PCM (see manual for details)
  • Text-based UART (see manual for details)
  • Binary UART (see manual for details)
  • Ethernet UDP (see manual for details)
  • Analog (format 1 and 3 (I/Q recording of intermediate frequency) as well)
  • Discretes
  • NMEA 0183 (e.g., GPS, Galileo, GLONASS and Beidou GNSS) on UART or TSPI format 0. Fixed ICD with most relevant parameters from some sentences with positional information.
  • Message data (see manual for details)
  • User defined computer-generated data (see manual for details)
  • Recording events
  • Other CH10 data types on request or added with further releases.
- - - X X
Parameter decoding support for STANAG3910 in DATaRec4 (Zodiac Data System format) - - - separate plug-in
Parameter decoding support for network data objects (NDO) in Ethernet/UDP (quite specific: Fixed sized data blocks on fixed starting position in UDP packet. Separate decoding for each block) - - - separate plug-in
Definition of parameter sets (group of parameters used in the same test situation) and joining of existing parameter sets. - - - X X

The features of all versions will be continuously enhanced. You can add upgrades to your procurement for a price of 35% of the current version price per year. This includes all upgrades within your version. Feature requests raised by you that make it to the general-purpose versions are provided to you this way.

Supported CH10 Data Types

For details on the level of support on each CH10 Data Type look in the manual downloadable on the main FLIDAS section.

All other CH10 data types are also supported to display the properties on packet level. Even unknown CH10 data types will be available at least for the inspection of common properties and to see the binary payload.

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