FLIDAS - Flight Data Studio

FLIDAS reads IRIG 106 Chapter 10 files with flight data and allows accessing the data on the raw data, protocol and Parameter level for display and export. It also allows debugging the CH10 file structure itself. FLIDAS can receive CH10 UDP Data Streams to display raw data, protocol data and decoded Parameters for checking of proper setup and calibration of FTI equipment and as simple monitor application.

Read more on the FLIDAS overview and future planning


FLIDAS is available in a free version and four general purpose commercial versions that can be further extended by plug-ins for specific needs. The general purpose versions have a very affordable price.

Read more on the features of each version and the supported protocols

XML CH10 mapping

An XML CH10 mapping plug-in offers creation of artificial CH10 files with an XML definition and conversion of real CH10 files to XML. This is a unique feature of FLIDAS so far that made it to the official documents of the IRIG 106 standards body. It is included in the free version. Read more on this.

Application areas

See some application areas where FLIDAS can be used..


You can download FLIDAS for free below. No registration is required.

The Windows version officially requires Windows 10 or later and Java 17 64-bit or later, but older may run on own risk. Other operating systems like Linux can be supported, you just need to request.

Note that just because you have 64-bit Windows and a Java installation does not mean you have 64-bit Java installed!

For more details on Java installation or to see if you can run with older Windows and older Java versions look here.

The version includes an online manual but a separate PDF manual can also be downloaded.

The exact file sizes and MD5 checksums are given to allow you verifying the download. If you don't know how to handle MD5 checksums, check the FAQ section of the PDF manual below.

Download File size MD5 checksum
FLIDAS 4.15.2 for Windows with Java 64 bit 59404212 26ab3e9d54bce02d61ee0dc656c98549
FLIDAS manual 5300279 e19a61ab4a6735f5fc513f56c8ec6ed5
Linux on request:

Simply extract the ZIP archive in a directory on your hard disc. There is no installation, registry entries, spyware etc. You don't even need administrator privileges. To clean up just delete the directory. More information is found in the PDF manual section "Installing FLIDAS".


Click on the screenshot of FLIDAS analyzing several IRIG 106 Chapter 10 files to enlarge it in a new window.

Screenshot of FLIDAS on Windows

Click here for more screenshots.

Price / Ordering

The prices for the four general purpose versions range from 1500 € to 3600 €. See the pricing within the description of the different versions.

The delivery will be via download and require an official purchase order (P.O.). An open account invoice and evaluation versions of the commercial release are available if justified by the situation.

Prices for individual extensions, multi-license discounts and an update scheme are available on request.

Contact now to order.

FLIDAS is only sold directly from Data Bus Tools. If you require you can also procure through a third party but that needs agreement between you and Data Bus Tools. If you receive FLIDAS in any other way it is an illegal copy. Please inform Data Bus Tools if you get an offer like this.

Software architecture

FLIDAS is designed for extensibility and platform independence and to be used as a building block in your flight testing department. See here how the software is designed to do so..

License for the free download

This software is provided free of charge. You receive the non-exclusive right to produce copies of the software (this implies also executing it on your computer) but may not sell it.

The place of jurisdiction shall be Munich in Germany. German law shall apply to this license agreement.

See the manual for the license that applies to the commercial version.

Third party licenses

FLIDAS contains third party components that are free of charge. They are subject to different licenses.